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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三英语学习方法   阅读:9314

[导读] Must DHave[答案] C.34 - Don't you think this colour is too bright? - _________ AYes, I agree. BYes, but I don't think so. CYes, of course not. DYes, what's wrong?[答案] A.35 - It was cold yesterday- _________ .ASo was it BSo it was CI believe not so DI believe not[答案] B.[析] 当答语只是重复对方讲的话时,则不用倒装。因 so it was即为:是的,天气昨天很冷。而当讲前面讲的动作也适合于另一个人时,则要倒装。如: I went to the cinema yesterday So did I 表示对方去了电影院,我也去了。 www.i3xuexi.com36 - What do you think of the song?- _________ .AI like music very mu

- _________ .
A All right B That's all right
C OK D I hope so, too
[答案] D.
32  Must I wait till he comes back?  .
A No, you needn't B No, you mustn't 
C No, you may not D No, you can't
[答案] A.
[析] must 提问表示必须这样做吗?而肯定句要用 must, 表示必须做,而否定句则要用 needn't 表示没有必要做。
33  - _________ I pay you the house rent right away?
- Yes, you have to do it
A Shall B Way C Must D Have
[答案] C.
34  - Don't you think this colour is too bright? 
- _________ 
A Yes, I agree. B Yes, but I don't think so. 
C Yes, of course not. D Yes, what's wrong?
[答案] A.
35  - It was cold yesterday
- _________ .
A So was it B So it was
C I believe not so D I believe not
[答案] B.
[析] 当答语只是重复对方讲的话时,则不用倒装。因 so it was即为:是的,天气昨天很冷。而当讲前面讲的动作也适合于另一个人时,则要倒装。如: I went to the cinema yesterday So did I 表示对方去了电影院,我也去了。
www.i3xuexi.com 36  - What do you think of the song?
- _________ .
A I like music very much B I like it too 
C With pleasure D It sounds sweet
[答案] D.
[析] sound 在这里是系动词,为听起来很甜美。系动词后要用形容词,而不要用被动语态。
37  Do you like tea or coffee? _________ .
A Yes, I do B Thank you
C That's fine D Either will do
[答案] D.
[析] either will do 为两者哪个都可以。
38  I like your sweater very much _________ .
A No, it's ugly B Sorry
C Thank you D You're welcome
[答案] C.
[析] 这是英美语言的习惯。
39  He likes travelling by train  _________ .
A So do I B I dos
C I like so D I like it, neither
[答案] A.
40  - How do you like your school?
- _________ .
A I like it very much B It's very beautiful
C I doesn't like it D Very well
[答案] B.
[析] How do you like … 是问你们学校是怎样值得你热爱的。也就是为什么你热爱你的学校。
www.i3xuexi.com 41  What a nice day!  _________ 
A You're right. B No, isn't it?
C Yes, isn't it? D Really?
[答案] C.
[析] Yes, isn't it 是的,难道不是个好天气吗?
42  - Hello, _________ ?
- This is Della speaking
A Who are you B Are you Tom 
C Who is that D Please tell me who are you
[答案] C.
[析] 电话用语中 that 指对方,而 this 指自己。
43  -What's he like? 
- _________ .
A He likes English B He is old 
C He is like a farmer D He is tall and this
[答案] D.
[析] 要区分 What's he like? 如 What does he like? 前者为:他长得什么样?而后者是:他喜欢什么。
44  How did you do your job? 
Not very well, _________ .
A I'm sure B I am afraid
C Thank you D I'm sorry
[答案] B.
[析] I am afraid 我恐怕是,我想是。
45  - _________ your aunt?
-She is a principal of a middle school
A What does B Where does
C What is D Whom is
[答案] C.
www.i3xuexi.com 46  - _________ 
- He is my boss
A What's the man? B Who is the man? 
C How is the man? D What does the man do?
[答案] B.
47  - May I have your name? 
- _________ .
A No, no B You're polite
C Call me John D It's kind of you
[答案] C.
48  - Shall I make coffee for you? 
- _________ .
A Yes, thank you B No, don't trouble 
C Don't trouble this, thank you D No, don't make it
[答案] A.
49  - Could you show me the way to Mr Buown's office?
- _________ .
A Not at all B I'm sure
C All right D I can do it
[答案] C.
50  - Shall we go swimming tomorrow afternoon?
- _________ .
A It's very kind of you B You are so thoughtful 
C That's a good idea D Yes, we'll go
[答案] C.

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