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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三英语学习方法   阅读:9875

[导读] re shops on both sides of the street.4 . neither 两者都不这两本书都没用。 Neither of the books is useful.他们俩我都不喜欢。 I like neither of them.5 . either 二者中的任何一个在那张桌子两端各有一把扶手椅。 There was an armchair at either end of the long table.两半任选其一,因为它们完全相同。 Take either half, for they are exactly the same.6 . couple 一对,两口子; a couple of 泛指三两个……夫妇俩去看电影。 The couple went to see the film.妈妈过两三天就回来。 Mother will be back in a couple of days.7 . double 两倍,双层的。我买了双倍的牛奶。 I bought double the amount of milk.有双层门的那个房间住着很舒适。 The room with double doors is comfortable to li


  1 . two 两个
  我有两个哥哥。 I have two brothers.
  他们三三两两地来看我。 They came to see me by twos and threes.
  2 . Twice 两次,两倍
  我去过北京两次。 I have been to Beijing twice.
  这个箱子比那个箱子大两倍。 This box is twice bigger than that one.
  3 . both 两者(人或物)都
  他的两个弟弟都在服兵役。 Both his younger brothers are in the army.
  街道的两边都有商店。 There are shops on both sides of the street.
  4 . neither 两者都不
  这两本书都没用。 Neither of the books is useful.
  他们俩我都不喜欢。 I like neither of them.
  5 . either 二者中的任何一个
  在那张桌子两端各有一把扶手椅。 There was an armchair at either end of the long table.
  两半任选其一,因为它们完全相同。 Take either half, for they are exactly the same.
  6 . couple 一对,两口子; a couple of 泛指三两个……
  夫妇俩去看电影。 The couple went to see the film.
  妈妈过两三天就回来。 Mother will be back in a couple of days.
  7 . double 两倍,双层的。
  我买了双倍的牛奶。 I bought double the amount of milk.
  有双层门的那个房间住着很舒适。 The room with double doors is comfortable to live in.
  8 . a few (口语中)泛指两三个
  如果有空,你就在此逗留两三天。 If you are free, please stay here for a few days.
  就这件事,你要在会上说两句吗? Are you going to say a few words about this matter at the meeting?
  9 . half 一半
  把苹果切成两半儿。 Cut the apple in half.
  别把它弄成两半儿。 Don't break it into halves.
  10 .其他
  你去不去两可。 It's all right with me whether you go or not.
  你我有什么两样? What's the difference between you and me?
  他多喝了两盅。 He's had a drop too much.
  别把这两件事放一块说,这是两码事。 Don't always put two things together, they are quite different.
  他很难收支两抵。 It is difficult for him to make both ends meet.
  青蛙是两栖动物。 A frog is an amphibious animal.
  现在我们两清了。 Now we don't owe anything to each other.
  他看病真有两下子。 He is an excellent adept in medicine.

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