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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三英语学习方法   阅读:9314

[导读] 析] 表示愿意作某事应讲:I'd love to I'd like to17 - What's the weather like today!- _________ AIt's nice for a walk. BI like autumn best of all.CIt will be fine tomorrow. DIt's rather cold today.[答案] D.[析] 本题要注意问的是什么,不要所问非所答。因问题是今天的天气怎样,所以只能选D18 - Is Jane in ,please? I want to speak to her- Sorry, she is out You'd better _________ .Avisit her in the office Bcall her later Csee her this afternoon Dspeak to her yourself[答案] B.[析] call her later 晚些时候再来电话。19 - _________ - Very well, thank you, and you?AHow d

A What's your trouble? B What have you got? 
C Why did you come here? D Have you got a cough?
[答案] A.
[析] What's your trouble? 多用于问对方有什么问题、麻烦或得了什么病。这种用语还有 What's wrong with you?
www.i3xuexi.com 16  - Would you like to go shopping with me?
- _________ 
A Yes, I'd love to. B That's right.
C Yes, please. D Quite well.
[答案] A.
[析] 表示愿意作某事应讲:I'd love to I'd like to
17  - What's the weather like today!
- _________ 
A It's nice for a walk. B I like autumn best of all.
C It will be fine tomorrow. D It's rather cold today.
[答案] D.
[析] 本题要注意问的是什么,不要所问非所答。因问题是今天的天气怎样,所以只能选D
18  - Is Jane in ,please? I want to speak to her
- Sorry, she is out You'd better _________ .
A visit her in the office B call her later 
C see her this afternoon D speak to her yourself
[答案] B.
[析] call her later 晚些时候再来电话。
19  - _________ 
- Very well, thank you, and you?
A How do you do? B Good morning 
C How are you these days? D How do you like English?
[答案] C.
[析] 本题是由答语来推断问话,所以应熟悉英语的问答习惯: How do you do? 的答语应为 How do you do?
20  - How is your mother?
- _________ 
A She is old. B She is no better than she was. 
C She is kindhearted. D She is in her forties.
[答案] B.
[析] How is your mother? 问的是你妈身体如何,而B选项则是"她不比以前强"。而其他三个选项则是所问非所答。
www.i3xuexi.com 21  - Thank you very much for your help
- _________ .
A You're welcome B Please don't
C There's no trouble D No, no
[答案] A.
22  Your uncle has taken you to the cinema Afterwards you thank him
He says " _________ ."
A It was nothing B I'm glad you enjoyed it 
C Don't say it D No, needn't
[答案] B.
[析] 这是英语的答语,千万不要选A,因它是中文习惯的答语。
23  - Thank you for your good present
- _________ .
A It's not good B No, no
C My pleasure D Never mind
[答案] C.
24  When someone did a good deed for you, you should say _________ .
A.you are too good B.It's very kind of you C.you are very kind D.I'll thank you
[答案] B.
25  - I am very sorry I am late for dinner 
- _________ .
A.No, you aren't B.That's all right C.Yes, you are D.No, you don't
[答案] B.
[析] That's all right 没关系。
www.i3xuexi.com 26  - I'm sorry if I hurt you
- _________ .
A I'm sorry B It's not true 
C It doesn't matter D Don't say sorry
[答案] C.
27  - I should have gone to see the exhibition with you 
- _________ .
A I'm sorry B What a pity 
C It doesn't matter to me D That's terrible
[答案] B.
[析] What a pity. 真遗憾。第一句应为我真该和你一起去展览会。
28  - Help yourself to some fish
- _________ .
A You are very kind B Yes, I'm helping myself 
C Thank you D Yes, don't worry about me
[答案] C.
29  - Are you ready?-______ .
A I'm very sorry B Try to be patient 
C Not yet, wait a minute D Do you have the time, please?
[答案] C.
[析] not yet 意为还没有完成。
30  - Mum, I have passed the exam
- _________ .
A That's all right B Congratulations
C You are luck D Good luck to you
[答案] B.
www.i3xuexi.com 31  - I think I have to leave I hope we can get together again

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