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Unit 6 单元测试题及答案

[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:9358

[导读] ent to hospital at once.7.You must write down your answers in the answer sheet ____________(仔细).8. On my way to school, he lost the _________________ (伞) in the wind.9. A moment of ___________ (恐惧)went through my mind.10. We were in a great ___________ (匆忙) to catch the early bus.二、词组翻译1.用拖把拖干净_______________________ 2.输了比赛_______________________3.引起自然灾害_______________________ 4.在地震中幸免存活_______________5.大叫救命___________________________ 6.平静下来_______________________7.向四面八方跑去_____________________ 8.感到一阵轻微的震动_____________9.成千上万的人__________

Unit 6 单元测试题及答案,http://www.i3xuexi.com


1. The ground was _____________ (覆盖) with thick snow.

2. Be careful! A car nearly ___________________ (撞) you.

3. Typhoons and _________________ (地震) are serious natural disasters.

4. I wonder what they were doing at that ______________ (片刻).

5. Every year there are a lot of traffic _______________ (事故) in the world.

6.These ____________ (受害者)must be sent to hospital at once.

7.You must write down your answers in the answer sheet ____________(仔细).

8. On my way to school, he lost the _________________ (伞) in the wind.

9. A moment of ___________ (恐惧)went through my mind.

10. We were in a great ___________ (匆忙) to catch the early bus.


1.用拖把拖干净_______________________ 2.输了比赛_______________________

3.引起自然灾害_______________________ 4.在地震中幸免存活_______________

5.大叫救命___________________________ 6.平静下来_______________________

7.向四面八方跑去_____________________ 8.感到一阵轻微的震动_____________

9.成千上万的人_______________________ 10.冲走了这个村庄________________

11.望窗外看__________________________ 12.从树上掉下来__________________

13.搬开砖块__________________________ 14.制造借口______________________

15.暴风雪警告________________________ 16.到达__________________________

17.关掉______________________________ 18.被困__________________________

19.天气预报__________________________ 20.尽力做某事____________________


1. Amy was reading a book _____ I came in.

A. when   B. While   C. because   D. though

2. A: ________ does he go to visit his Uncle?

B: Three or four times a year.

A.How long   B. How often   C. How soon   D. When

3. A boy _______ a tree and hurt his leg.

A. felt from  B. fell over   C. felt over   D. fell from

4.They _______ Shanghai on a cold morning last week.

A. arrived at   B. got   C. reached to  D. arrived in

5.The number of victims ___________ three in this car accident.

A.is   B. are   C. has   D. have

6. I was surprised to find my pet cat still ________ after the fire.

A. life  B. living   C. alive   D. live

7. Which is not a natural disaster in the following?

A. lightening   B. snowstorm   C. a car accident   D. typhoon

8. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _________ in Harbin.

A. it   B. that   C. one   D. this

9.It will be rainy. Don’t forget __________ an umbrella with you.

A. to take  B. taking   C. bringing  D. to bring

10. The thunder was ________ and the wind blew ____________.

A. terrible, terrible B. terrible, terribly   C. terribly, terrible   D. terribly, terribly

11. — What happened to Mary’s brother?

— He _______ off while he _________ a bike.

A.was falling, rode   B. fell, was riding   C. falls, is riding D. was falling, was riding

12. There are ______ books in the library. Now there are about _____ students reading in it.

A. thousands of, two hundreds    B. thousand of, two hundred

C. thousands of, two hundred     D. thousand of , two hundreds

13. The chicken in your bowl _________ delicious. I want some more.

A. looks  B. tastes   C. smells   D. sounds

14. We will go to visit the World Park __________ it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

A. if   B. when   C. since   D. because

15. ________ elephant is much bigger than _________ tiger.

A. An, a   B. An, /   C. A, a   D. A,/






3. Jim 告诉自己要冷静,因为自己还活着


4. 在那次事故中,他用手机打电话求救。


5. 恶劣气候经常引起自然灾害。


6. 妈妈叫我不要在雨天出门。


7. 爸爸建议我今天不要骑车上学了,因为天气不好。


8. 警察警告司机们在雪天要慢行。


9. 人门急忙搬开砖头和石块。

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