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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:9247

[导读] need to make fruit salad? Oh, bananas,a watermelon,apples and yogurt.135. Let‘s a______ some salt to the food.136. Finally m______all the ingredients up,then we can eat the food.137. You should c______ your paper before you hand in(交上)。138.P______ the bananas before you eat them.139. He c______up some s______ of chicken for me.140. There a______ two apples and a banana.141. Would you like s______ tea? No, thanks.参考答案:132.instuctions 133. finally 134. ingredients 135. add136. mix 137. check 138. Peel 139. cut/cuts, slices140. are 141. some



  132. You must read the i______ (说明) before you take the medicine.

  133. We looked for the boy here and there, and f______ we found him in a shop.

  134. What i______ do we need to make fruit salad? Oh, bananas,a watermelon,apples and yogurt.

  135. Let‘s a______ some salt to the food.

  136. Finally m______all the ingredients up,then we can eat the food.

  137. You should c______ your paper before you hand in(交上)。

  138.P______ the bananas before you eat them.

  139. He c______up some s______ of chicken for me.

  140. There a______ two apples and a banana.

  141. Would you like s______ tea? No, thanks.


  132.instuctions 133. finally 134. ingredients 135. add

  136. mix 137. check 138. Peel 139. cut/cuts, slices

  140. are 141. some

标签:初二英语练习题八年级英语练习题,初二英语学习方法初中学习 - 初二学习 - 初二英语 - 初二英语练习题