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Unit 6 单元测试题及答案

[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:9358

[导读] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8A Unit6 参考答案一、根据中文及所给单词,用正确形式填空1. covered 2. hit 3. earthquakes 4. moment 5. accidents6. victims 7. carefully 8.umbrella 9. fear 10. hurry二、词组翻译1.mop up 2. l

Unit 6 单元测试题及答案,http://www.i3xuexi.com


10. 这家工厂因为遭到雷击而失火了。












8A Unit6 参考答案


1. covered 2. hit 3. earthquakes 4. moment 5. accidents

6. victims 7. carefully 8.umbrella 9. fear 10. hurry


1.mop up 2. lose the game

3.cause natural disaster 4.survive the earthquake

5.shout for help 6.calm down

7.run in all directions 8.feel a slight shaking

9.thousands of people 10.wash the village away

11.look out of the window 12.fall from a tree

13.move away the bricks 14.make excuses

15.snowstorm warning 16.arrive at/in

17. turn off 18.be trapped

19weather report 20.try one’s best to do sth.


1——5 ABDDA 6——10 CCBAB 11——15 BCBAA


1. Many people lost their lives in Tsunami.

2. The car ran so fast that it crashed into a tree.

3. Jim told himself to calm down since he was still alive.

4. In the accident, he called for help with his mobile phone.

5. Bad weather often causes natural disasters.

6. Mum asks me not to go out on rainy days.

7. Dad advises us not to go to school by bike, because the weather today is bad/ because of the bad weather.

8. The police warn the drivers to slow down in snowy days.

9. People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. / People moved away the bricks and stones in a great hurry.

10. The factory caught fire because lightening hit it.


Last week, there was a heavy storm in our town. A tall building near our school caught fire because lightning hit it. Firemen hurried to come as soon as someone called the 119 for help. The firemen told the people trapped to calm down and leave the place one by one. An hour later, the big fire was put out at last. And luckily, no one was hurt in the disaster.

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标签:初二英语练习题八年级英语练习题,初二英语学习方法初中学习 - 初二学习 - 初二英语 - 初二英语练习题