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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:9410

[导读] y is s______ the floor.237. He h______ doing too much homework.238. I’m going to w______ on my Geography project(作业) next week.239. C______ you please b______ some drinks and snacks for me?240. I want to i______ some friends to our home.241. The box is too heavy for me, I needs some h______ .242. Could you please t______my dog for a w______ every day?243. He b______ (借)some books f______ me, but never gave them back.245. Don’t forget t turn o the lights when you leave.246. Don’t forget to f______my dog while(在期间) I&r


229. Can I u______ your pen, please? Mine is at home.
230. Please f______ your clothes. Don’t put them everywhere.
231. John is a good boy, he often helps his mother do c______  like doing the d______(洗碗) or t______  out the trash.
234. After you get up, you’d better m______ the bed.
235. The children are having a party in the l______ room.
236. Look, the boy is s______  the floor.
237. He h______ doing too much homework.
238. I’m going to w______  on my Geography project(作业) next week.
239. C______  you please b______ some drinks and snacks for me?
240. I want to i______  some friends to our home.
241. The box is too heavy for me, I needs some h______ .
242. Could you please t______my dog for a w______ every day?
243. He b______ (借)some books f______ me, but never gave them back.
245. Don’t forget t    turn o    the lights when you leave.
246. Don’t forget to f______my dog while(在期间) I’m away.
247. Could you please h______me with English?
248. I like washing the car because I can be o______ .
229. use 230. fold 231. chores, dishes, taking 234. make 
235. living 236. sweeping 237. hates 238. work 239. Could, buy 
240. invite 241. help 242. take, walk 243. borrowed, from 
245. to, off 246. feed 247. help 248. outside

标签:初二英语练习题八年级英语练习题,初二英语学习方法初中学习 - 初二学习 - 初二英语 - 初二英语练习题