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《Where are you going to go?》教学设计

[04-24 20:28:30]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  五年级英语教案   阅读:9323

[导读] g: It's big exciting world.Warmer:A. Tell the Ss to get into groups of four or five.B. Imagine that they are going to pack their bag to go New York. Get them toimagine all the things they would take.C. One student in each group needs to make the list of the suggestions thatthe rest of the group make.D. After a while get one student in each group to call out the ideas, and theteacher should write them on the board.Presentation:1. Look, listen and learnA. Listen to the tape and repeat it.B. On the board write the following sentences:Daming is

《Where are you going to go?》教学设计,http://www.i3xuexi.com

  Theme: Preparations

  Function: Preparing for a visit aboard

  Target Language: Question words: who/ what/ where/ when

  Where are you going to go this weekend?

  When are you going to go there?

  What are you going to do there?

  Who's going to go with you?

  Vocabulary: list, airport, shoe, ticket, toothbrush, arrive, taxi, flat, building, made (make), again

  Pronunciation: / / / / / /

  Song: It's big exciting world.


  A. Tell the Ss to get into groups of four or five.

  B. Imagine that they are going to pack their bag to go New York. Get them to imagine all the things they would take.

  C. One student in each group needs to make the list of the suggestions that the rest of the group make.

  D. After a while get one student in each group to call out the ideas, and the teacher should write them on the board.


  1. Look, listen and learn

  A. Listen to the tape and repeat it.

  B. On the board write the following sentences:

  Daming is going to go

  Daming is going to take

  Daming is going to go to the airport at

  C. Listen to the tape again.

  Is Daming ready for his trip?

  Who is going to meet Daming in New York?

  Where is Daming going to go?

  What is Daming going to take?

  When is he going to go to the airport?

  Who's going to go to the airport?

  2. Ask and answer: Let the Ss according to the fact to answer the questions.

  A. Where are you going to go this weekend?

  B. When are you going to go there?

  C. What are you going to do there?

  D. Who's going to go with you?

  Activity book:

  Listen and circle the correct answers:

  A. Tomorrow, Lijie is going to get up at five o'clock.

  B. He is going to go to the bus station.

  C. He is going to go with his father.

  D. They are going to take a bus at half past six.

  E. The bus is going to Wuling Mountain.

  F. They are going to their coats and hats.

  G. It's going to be very cold.

  H. They are also going to take a map.


  1. Read the dialogue. 2. Remember the new words.

标签:五年级英语教案五年级英语教学设计大全,小学英语教学反思小学英语学习 - 五年级英语 - 五年级英语教案