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PEP小学英语四年级上学期UNIT 2测试卷

[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  小学四年级英语试卷   阅读:9400

[导读] 测验卷Class_________________ Name_____________ No._____________听力部分听一听,圈一圈。将下面每组中符合录音内容的图片下面的字母圈住。(10分)参考答案:一、1. Put your notebook under your bag.2. Put your eraser on your nose.3. What’s in your schoolbag? 3 books, 2 pencils and a ruler.4. What are books made of? Paper.5. Put the kite near the window.二、1. There’s an English book on the desk.2. The math book is under the chair.3. How much is the schoolbag?4. Show me the words: pen, book, eraser and bag.5. Where is the Chinese book? It’s under the desk.三、1. Colour the computer blue.[1] [2] [3] 下一页

PEP小学英语四年级上学期UNIT 2测试卷,http://www.i3xuexi.com

四年级英语上册   Unit 2 测验卷

Class_________________ Name_____________ No._____________





1. Put your notebook under your bag.

2. Put your eraser on your nose.

3. What’s in your schoolbag? 3 books, 2 pencils and a ruler.

4. What are books made of? Paper.

5. Put the kite near the window.


1. There’s an English book on the desk.

2. The math book is under the chair.

3. How much is the schoolbag?

4. Show me the words: pen, book, eraser and bag.

5. Where is the Chinese book? It’s under the desk.


1. Colour the computer blue.

[1] [2] [3]  下一页

标签:小学四年级英语试卷四年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷分析试卷中心 - 英语试卷 - 小学四年级英语试卷