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PEP小学英语四年级上学期UNIT 2测试卷

[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  小学四年级英语试卷   阅读:9400

[导读] e.4. Colour the schoolbag red.5. Colour the desk yellow.四、1. I’m a cat. I have a kite.2. How much is the lamp? It’s 23 yuan.3. The monkey has a small nose.4. There is a ruler and a pen in the schoolbag.五、23 45 31 52 38六、1. Do you have a story book? Yes, I do.2. How much is the schoolbag? 50yuan.3. What’s in your schoolbag? Many books.4. I have a pen and 2 erasers.5. Big letters N H.七、1. B: Mom! M: Hi! Zhang Peng, let’s go home.2. B: Mom, we have a new classroom. M: Really? Let’s go and have a look!上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页

PEP小学英语四年级上学期UNIT 2测试卷,http://www.i3xuexi.com
2. Colour the pencil-case green.

3. Colour the story-books purple.

4. Colour the schoolbag red.

5. Colour the desk yellow.


1. I’m a cat. I have a kite.

2. How much is the lamp? It’s 23 yuan.

3. The monkey has a small nose.

4. There is a ruler and a pen in the schoolbag.


23        45       31      52      38


1. Do you have a story book? Yes, I do.

2. How much is the schoolbag?  50yuan.

3. What’s in your schoolbag? Many books.

4. I have a pen and 2 erasers.

5. Big letters N H.


1. B: Mom!

  M: Hi! Zhang Peng, let’s go home.

2. B: Mom, we have a new classroom.

  M: Really? Let’s go and have a look!

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