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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  中考英语复习资料   阅读:9207

[导读] ,请写出义演的原因,时间May. 12, 2009,地点:本校舞台,目的,作用等情况。2、 字数80字左右。Notice May 12, 2009In “Wenchuan earthquake” on “5.12”,2008 in Sichuan, thousands of people,especially students and teachers died of it,they haven’t beautiful homes andschools.1).写一则通知,简单介绍:1、去年春天,我国雪灾的情况,2008年1月,中国的华中,华东,华南,西北大部分地区发生了风暴雪,交通阻断,房屋倒塌,电力和电信中短,许多人无法回家,许多人断水断粮,为了帮助这些受灾的人们,大家纷纷伸出援助之手,捐钱捐物………。2.假如你和您的同学决定举行赈灾义演,请写出义演(to relieve the people in stricken areas)的原因,时间Feb 24, 2008,地点:本校舞台,目的,作用等情况。Notice Feb 20, 2008A heavy snowstorm de






  1、假如你和您的同学决定举行赈灾义演,请写出义演的原因,时间May. 12, 2009,地点:本校舞台,目的,作用等情况。

  2、 字数80字左右。

  Notice May 12, 2009

  In “Wenchuan earthquake” on “5.12”,2008 in Sichuan, thousands of people,especially students and teachers died of it,they haven’t beautiful homes andschools.




  (to relieve the people in stricken areas)的原因,时间Feb 24, 2008


  Notice Feb 20, 2008

  A heavy snowstorm destroyed theroads, railways,bridges,buildings

  villages,electric,phones in the mainy parts of China,especailly in the south/east/west China. Because

  many people can’t go home,they don’t have water to drink or food to eat,they need some help.Please join us and support the poor people (victims灾民) .To raise money/funds for the people in the heavy snowstorm places/areas.

  Next Saturday,students in our school are going to

  give a performance, we will sing ,dance and play music ,the performance will start at 2:30 P.M,every ticket will cost 20 yuan .All the money will go to the people in the heavy snowstorm .They will use the money repair their houses,buy medical supplies medicine ,some food and clothes.中考英语作文练习:应用文归类

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