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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  中考英语复习资料   阅读:9221

[导读] ______(需要)a certain e_________(努力)5.We o_________( 归功于) our good grades to the suggestions you have made6.You have hung international flags from the floor to the c__________(天花板)7. Do you i__________(想、企图)to stay in China for long .8. Let’s f__________( 去拿来) something to eat .9. Let’s r__________(举起)our glasses. here’s to our friendship .10. Please f__________(原谅)me if I make any mistake.11. What I’ve learnt is the i____________(重要性) of friendship .12. Sometimes the friends you t__________(珍视)most are the friends you se





  1. W__________(无论何处) you go in the world , I will wait for you here .

  2.How much p____________(进步 ) in English do you think you have made this year ?

  3I think I’ve a___________(完成、达到) a lot, and I am proud of what I have learnt.

  4.Learning a foreign language r__________(需要)a certain e_________(努力)

  5.We o_________( 归功于) our good grades to the suggestions you have made

  6.You have hung international flags from the floor to the c__________(天花板)

  7. Do you i__________(想、企图)to stay in China for long .

  8. Let’s f__________( 去拿来) something to eat .

  9. Let’s r__________(举起)our glasses. here’s to our friendship .

  10. Please f__________(原谅)me if I make any mistake.

  11. What I’ve learnt is the i____________(重要性) of friendship .

  12. Sometimes the friends you t__________(珍视)most are the friends you see less often .

  13. English is used for g___________(政府) ,education ,and t________(贸易)

  14.The USA s__________( 扩散) English all over the world through newspapers and films .

  15. It is now the common language for international travel, i__________(工业 ) .

  16.English is e______________( 极其重要的) for tourism ,entertainment and so on .

  17.We can never pay you back for your kindness, your p___________( 耐心) ,

  18. It changes every year with new words and e_____________( 表达方式) .



  1. be proud of _________________ 2. reach a level ___________________

  3. above all ___________________ 4. a certain effort _________________

  5. make progress _______________ 6. an English corner _______________

  7. no matter __________________ 8. be used for ____________________

  9.be used by __________________ 10. a quarter of ___________________

  11.What’s more _______________ 12. give help with sth _______________

  13. industrial products __________ 14. the common language _____________

  15.in recent year ______________ 16. either ---or --____________________

  17. grow in importance _________ 18. as common as __________________

  19. in place of _________________ 20. at least ________________________

  21. belong to __________________ 22. feel a bit sad ___________________

  23. all together ________________ 24. It’s got a great beat_____________

  25. intend to do sth ______________ 26. stay friends ___________________

  27. make a speech _______________ 28. as we all know ________________

  29.have a lot of fun ______________ 30. stay in touch __________________

  31. prepare oneself for ____________ 32. owe sth to sb _________________

  33. pay sb back _________________ 34.be strict with sb _______________

  35.be strict in sth _______________ 36. role models ___________________ www.i3xuexi.com



  1. 应该记住英语从其他语言中借用了很多词语,或者原词借用,或稍微改变。

  It is important to remember that English has_________many words from other languages , __________ _________ the same word ________ very similar .


  Many people think that if China continues to _______ ____ _________, Chinese will become____ ____________ _______ English by the middle of the 21st century .


  More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese __________ a foreign language ,

  ________ __________ ________other European languages.

  4. 至少在未来的20或30年中,英语将是应用最广泛的语言。

  __ ________for the next 20or 30 years, English will be the language _______ _____ ____

  5. 即使语法、词汇、拼写方面有所不同,我们都属于国际英语这个世界。

  ______ _________there are differences in grammar, vocabulary, and spelling , we all _______ ________ the international English speaking world .

  6. 我认为自己取得了很大成绩,对于自己所学我也感到很自豪。

  I think I’ve achieved ___ _______, and I _____ __________ _____what I have learnt. .

  7. 一门语言再简单,要学习它也必须付出一定努力的。

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