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[10-16 11:51:38]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三英语学习方法   阅读:9886

[导读] or less]1. About twenty thousand people saw the match yesterday. 2. They opened up some 8,000 mu of land.3. There are some dozen (of) people there. 4. It is an hour' journey, more or less.5. The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of one thousand Yuan.6. During the past year or so, the production record of that factory has been raised to 200%.7. I can't give you the exact figure, but in round number it was fifty or sixty Yuan.句型[over等表示有余的限制语+数词]/[数词+and more等表示有余的限制语]1. Big battle-ships of over ten thousand to





  1.  The cloth measures ten yards exactly.  2. It is now exactly ten o'clock.

  3.  I shall be just eighteen years old on the 15th of next month.  4. It takes me three clear days.

  句型[about等约数限制语+数词]/[数词+or so, more or less]

  1.    About twenty thousand people saw the match yesterday.  2. They opened up some 8,000 mu of land.

  3.  There are some dozen (of) people there.  4. It is an hour' journey, more or less.

  5.  The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of one thousand Yuan.

  6.  During the past year or so, the production record of that factory has been raised to 200%.

  7.  I can't give you the exact figure, but in round number it was fifty or sixty Yuan.

  句型[over等表示有余的限制语+数词]/[数词+and more等表示有余的限制语]

  1.    Big battle-ships of over ten thousand tons can be fully built in Shanghai.

  2.    He has lived abroad above ten years.

  3.    I have known him for more than (for upwards of) twenty years.

  4.    No fewer than (Not less than) two thousand people went to the park yesterday.

  5.    In old China the working day was not less than sixteen hours.

  6.    Our college students are now required to learn at least one foreign language.

  7.    There are fifty and odd (and more) pupils in our class.

  8.    There are children of three years old and upwards.


  1.    He may be under (below) thirty years of age.

  2.    The urgent work was completed in less than five hours.

  3.    The rent of the house is less than (no more than) three hundred Yuan a month.

  4.    It had been done for no more than ten days.

  5.    This old machine tool is used for at (the very) most fifteen hours a day.

  句型[amount to等表示共计的限制语+数词]/[数词+in all等表示共计的限制语]

  1.    The total expenses amount to a hundred dollars.  2. The visitors totaled 2,500.

  3.  The expenditure sums up to (adds up to) $1,000.  4. We numbered twenty in all.

  5.  The various items foot up (come) to $2,000.  6. They were fifteen, all told.


  1.    The number of draught animals in this brigade increased from 10 to 90.

  2.    The number of participants rose to 300,000.

  3.    The company has increased the capital stock from a million to 20 million dollars.

  4.    The population in this city has jumped above 3,000,000.

  5.    The members of the association have decrease (were reduced) to 300.

  6.    The population in this country fell to under 40,000,000.

  7.    The price of silk has dropped from sixteen to ten Yuan per Jin.

  句型[…甲数+inclusive of / including+乙数…]/[…甲数+exclusive of / excluding+乙数]

  1.    The whole amounts to 500 Yuan, inclusive of the expenses 35 Yuan.

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