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[10-16 11:51:38]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三英语学习方法   阅读:9799

[导读] 语+其他]1. If only Marx were still by my side to see this with his own eyes!2. If only I had known then what I knew long afterwards!3. Ah, if only it had life and movement! 4. If I could only get something to do.句型[Oh/ O/ Ah)名词+that+主语+虚拟式谓语+其他][Oh/ O/ Ah)名词+to be+表语+其他][Oh/ O/ Ah)名词+虚拟式谓语+主语+其他]1. Oh! That she could come back to life again! 2. O that he were alive and could see the fruits of his labor.3. Ah, that I had but known! 4. O that I had listened to him! 5. Oh, to be in England now that April's there! 6. O to be a boy


  [注] 句型69,70可结合使用。如:Long may she live to enjoy her good fortune!

  有时可用might代替may, 如:Rather might they live in friendship for the future!


  1.    Eternal glory to the people's heroes!  2. Solute to you!  3. Success to you!

  4.  A long life to you!  5. A toast to our friendship!  6. A happy journey to you!  7. Good luck to you!

  句型[If only/But+主语+虚拟式谓语+其他]

  1.    If only Marx were still by my side to see this with his own eyes!

  2.    If only I had known then what I knew long afterwards!

  3.    Ah, if only it had life and movement!  4. If I could only get something to do.

  句型[Oh/ O/ Ah)名词+that+主语+虚拟式谓语+其他][Oh/ O/ Ah)名词+to be+表语+其他]

  [Oh/ O/ Ah)名词+虚拟式谓语+主语+其他]

  1.    Oh! That she could come back to life again! 2. O that he were alive and could see the fruits of his labor.

  3.  Ah, that I had but known! 4. O that I had listened to him! 5. Oh, to be in England now that April's there!  6.  O to be a boy again!  7.  O were he only here!  8. O had I wings!


  1.    Be his banner unconquered, resistless his spear.

  2.    Be ours a happy meeting!   3. Light be her heart and gay her merry eyes!

  4.  So be it! (=So may it be! =Be it so!)

  5.  "Good friend for Jesus' sake, forbear

  To dig the dust enclosed here,

  Blessed be he that spares these stones

  And curst be he that moves my bones." (Epitaph written by Shakespeare)

  句型[Would (that)+主语+虚拟式谓语+其他]

  1.    Would (that) it were otherwise!   2. Would that they were safe home again!

  3.  Would you were with us! (= I wish you were with us!)  4. Would I were a scientist!

  5.  Would (that) I were young again.  6. Would I were as strong as you.

  [注] 口语中还有各种表示祝愿的说法,如:Good morning! A Happy New Year! A Happy Holiday! Happy journey! Many happy returns (of the day)! Good luck in everything! My best wishes to you!


  句型 [ No+动名词或名词!]/ [(修饰语)+名词]

  1.    No Smoking!  2. No Parking Here!  3. No Scribbling (on the wall)!  4. No Passage!

  2.    No Admittance!  6. No Admittance except on business.  7. No Spitting!  8. No Talking!

  9.  No Thoroughfare.  10. No Bill (或 Post No Bill).  11. Not to Be Taken Away!

  12. Order!  13. Interval - 10 Min.  14. The End.  15. Night Bell.  16. Holiday.

  17. Poison!  18. Danger!  19. High Tension!  20. Attention! (或Look out!)

  [注] 这种句型还可以用副词,形容词,分词,动词,词组或句子来表达,如:Slow; Keep Right;

  Hands off; Wet Paint; Beware of Fire; Upstairs; Downstairs; Push; Pull; Children not Allowed; Engaged; Full, All Full; Time's over; Entrance; Exit; Way out等。



  1.    Down with the slave mentality! Bury dogmatism!

  2.    Away with superstition and emancipate the mind.

  3.    Down with the landlords! 4. Up with the poor!  5. Up with it! 6. In with you! 7. Out with it!

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