您当前所在位置: 爱上学习中小学教育小学英语学习二年级英语二年级英语学习辅导英语儿歌——London Bridge -- 正文

英语儿歌——London Bridge

[04-24 20:06:01]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  二年级英语学习辅导   阅读:9350

[导读] London BridgeLondon Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.Build it up with iron bars. (etc)Iron bars will bend and break (etc)Build it up with pins and needles (etc)Pins and needles rust and bend (etc)Build it up with gold and silver (etc)Gold and silver I've not got (etc)London Bridge is falling down (etc)

英语儿歌——London Bridge,http://www.i3xuexi.com

  London Bridge

  London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.

  London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.

  Build it up with iron bars. (etc)

  Iron bars will bend and break (etc)

  Build it up with pins and needles (etc)

  Pins and needles rust and bend (etc)

  Build it up with gold and silver (etc)

  Gold and silver I've not got (etc)

  London Bridge is falling down (etc)

标签:二年级英语学习辅导小学英语作文范文大全,少儿英语故事大全,少儿英语学习辅导小学英语学习 - 二年级英语 - 二年级英语学习辅导