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英文儿歌——Three Little monkeys

[10-16 11:36:10]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  二年级英语学习辅导   阅读:9350

[导读] Three Little monkeysThree Little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell of and bombing his head.Mom called doctor and doctor said no more little monkeys jumping on that bed.Tow Little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell of and bombing his head.Mom called doctor and doctor said no more little monkeys jumping on that bed.One Little monkeys jumping on the bed,he fells of and bombing his head.Mom called doctor and doctor said no more little monkeys jumping on that bed.

英文儿歌——Three Little monkeys,http://www.i3xuexi.com

  Three Little monkeys

  Three Little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell of and bombing his head.

  Mom called doctor and doctor said no more little monkeys jumping on that bed.

  Tow  Little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell of and bombing his head.

  Mom called doctor and doctor said no more little monkeys jumping on that bed.

  One Little monkeys jumping on the bed,he fells of and bombing his head.

  Mom called doctor and doctor said no more little monkeys jumping on that bed.

标签:二年级英语学习辅导小学英语作文范文大全,少儿英语故事大全,少儿英语学习辅导小学英语学习 - 二年级英语 - 二年级英语学习辅导