您当前所在位置: 爱上学习中小学教育小学英语学习一年级英语小学一年级英语试题【小学生期中考试】一年级英语期中考试测试题 -- 正文


[04-24 20:06:01]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  小学一年级英语试题   阅读:9997

[导读] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 478 487 6. How many birds? How many balls?( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. Sit down! Stand up! 8. Open the door. Open the window. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 9. Good morning! Good afternoon! 10. Hello! How are you?( ) ( ) (








  1. six dogs (   )                   2. two boys(    )

 four dogs (   )                     three boys (    )

3. one bird   (    )       4. two girls (   )    5. one panda (   ) five birds  (    )         five girls (   )       ten pandas (   ) 




1.                                        2.                          


(    )             (    )                  (    )       (    )     


3.                                    4.           


(    )       (    )               (    )        (    )       


5.    478          487         6.  How many birds?    How many balls?

(    )     (    )           (    )               (    )  


7.    Sit down!     Stand up!       8.  Open the door.   Open the window. 

      (    )     (    )            (    )            (    )


9.   Good morning!    Good afternoon!   10.  Hello!      How are you?

(    )       (    )             (    )       (    )



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