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[10-16 11:57:41]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  小学二年级作文   阅读:9284

[导读] Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?冬天寒冷。让我们玩雪球,堆雪人。我喜欢玩雪球,我在雪地上,雪很冰冷。我有一条围巾,一件外套所以我不冷。我喜欢圣诞节。因为我可以看到圣诞老人在圣诞俱乐部。礼物在圣诞树上,圣诞树很美丽。我喜欢冬天。你喜欢冬天吗?


  Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?

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