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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  五年级英语课内同步单元测试   阅读:9397

[导读] re.(3) Li Ming hurt his finger. (4) Danny hurt his nose.II. Write the past tense of each word.(写出下列单词的过去式)1.go ____ 2. want ____3. hurt ____ 4.play ____5. break _____III. Write (看图并写一写)Danny went to the park yesterday. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案I. 略II. 1. went 2. wanted 3. hurt 4. played 5. brokeIII. 参考答案Danny went to the park yesterday. He wanted to fly a kite. It’s hard for him. He fell down and hurt his tail. Poor Danny!



  I. Read and draw.(读一读,画一画)

  (1) This is Li Ming at the school. (2) This is Danny at Tian’anmen Square.

  (3) Li Ming hurt his finger. (4) Danny hurt his nose.

  II. Write the past tense of each word.(写出下列单词的过去式)

  1.go ____ 2. want ____

  3. hurt ____ 4.play ____

  5. break _____

  III. Write (看图并写一写)


  Danny went to the park yesterday. __________________________




  I. 略

  II. 1. went 2. wanted 3. hurt 4. played 5. broke

  III. 参考答案

  Danny went to the park yesterday. He wanted to fly a kite. It’s hard for him. He fell down and hurt his tail. Poor Danny!

标签:五年级英语课内同步单元测试五年级英语课内同步单元测试大全,小学英语单元测试题试卷中心 - 英语试卷 - 小学英语单元测试题 - 五年级英语课内同步单元测试