[导读] 课的“The Necklace”是剧本体裁,整体教学颇有难度。投影显示: !Scene 1 !meet her friend !look older than her age !not recognize her !tell her story to !because of !Scene 2 !be invited to the ball !have no jewellery to wear !borrow some jewellery from !marry a rich man !Scene 3 !call on !lend a diamond necklace to !have a good time !be lost !borrow much money to buy a necklace !work day and night !pay back all the money !not a real diamond necklace 教师围绕borrow a necklace-lose the necklace-look for
电教手段中的投影使用覆盖面广、片子制作简便、器械操作灵活、教学效果良好,深受英语教师的青睐, 是目前普及率最广、使用率最高的电教手段之一。
根据银幕上显示的内容,投影可分为文字投影和图画投影。如果有条件,用两架投影仪同时显示文字和图 画,图文并茂,更能引人入胜。
长课文一般采用整体教学的方法,导入阶段常从整体入手,要求学生在初步接触新语言知识的同时,整体 感知并粗线条梳理课文内容(包括背景材料和作者生平)。投影显示与课文线索有关的承启词语(包括个别生 词、短语),能给教师用英语讲述故事导入新课提供依托,且条理清楚,重点突出。如新教材高中第一册(下 )第69和70课的“The Necklace”是剧本体裁,整体教学颇有难度。投影显示:
!Scene 1
!meet her friend
!look older than her age
!not recognize her
!tell her story to
!because of
!Scene 2
!be invited to the ball
!have no jewellery to wear
!borrow some jewellery from
!marry a rich man
!Scene 3
!call on
!lend a diamond necklace to
!have a good time
!be lost
!borrow much money to buy a necklace
!work day and night
!pay back all the money
!not a real diamond necklace
教师围绕borrow a necklace-lose the necklace-look for the necklace-pay for the necklace,打破课 与课之间的界线,把短剧改编成故事,逐步展开,最后点题not a real diamond necklace. www.i3xuexi.com
新教材绝大部分课文都配有彩色插图。于是,看图设问就成了教师导入新课的最常用的方法。如初中第三 册第54课“Christmas Day”,投影显示课文插图,(如没有现成的投影片,需将课文插图印画或放大临摹在 片子上,单独另画圣诞老人,可移动操作)同时设置以下配套问题:
1. When does the story take place?
2. Where do children in Britain put a stocking on Christmas Eve before theygo to bed?
3. What do their parents usually tell them?
4. What does Father Christmas do on Christmas Eve?
5. Who really is “Father Christmas” in Jim and Kate's house and what doeshe do on Christma s Eve?
课文中出现的重要语言点,在初步了解的基础上,要结合学过的知识,深入进行讲练,及时加以整理和归 纳。如新教材高中第一册第61和62课中多次出现与fire有关的短语和句子。投影显示:
!catch five
!(be) on fire
!break out
!be started by
!make a fire
!control the fire
!be out
!put out the fire
!lose one's life in the fire
!a few minutes before the fire
!people above the fire
根据课文,讲清各词语在意义和用法上的差异并配以适量的练习。 www.i3xuexi.com
初中新教材几乎每个单元都有Ask and answer或Read, ask and answer的教学内容。要熟练掌握问句答语 ,一定量的替换练习是不可缺少的。如初中第一册第31课,投影显示数组替换词语(课本上提供的为第一组 ,其余各组由教师自己编写),反复操练,直到能脱口而出。如:What's his name? How old is he? What g rade is he in? What row is be in? What team is he in? Who's his friend?
新教材中会话占有相当大的篇幅。任何题材的会话都是在特定的情景中进行的。投影显示图画可以烘托情 景,给练习对话创设赏心悦目的语境。如初中第二册第81课,投影显示两组共八幅课文插图(1~4为第一 组,5~8为第二组),看图问答练习会话: