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[04-24 20:28:54]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  中考备考指导   阅读:9794

[导读] you ________(like)_________(run)?9.Does he_________(like)_________(jump) ? 10.Does Nancy_________(grow)flowers on Saturday ?11.The teachers________(like)___________(dance). 12.The teacher________(like)____________(dance).13.The students___________(speak) English in class. 14.The student_________(speak) Chinese after class.15. Let's____________and play football . ( go ) 16. He_____________ like swimming . ( not )17. I'm sorry ____________that . ( hear ) 18. Wang Bing is____________ ( write ) an E-mail to his



  1.I  like ____________ (swim).                      

  2.He _________(read) English  every  day.

  3.We _________(go)to school at seven in the morning. 

  4.Mike________(go)to school at seven in the morning.

  5.My  mother________(like) ______(go) shopping.      

  6.I can ________(draw)  many  beautiful  pictures.

  7.She_________(make) a  model  plane.               

  8.Do  you ________(like)_________(run)?

  9.Does  he_________(like)_________(jump) ?         

  10.Does Nancy_________(grow)flowers on Saturday ?

  11.The  teachers________(like)___________(dance).    

  12.The teacher________(like)____________(dance).

  13.The students___________(speak) English in class.    

  14.The student_________(speak) Chinese after class.

  15. Let's____________and play football . ( go )         

  16. He_____________ like swimming . ( not )

  17. I'm sorry ____________that . ( hear )      

  18. Wang Bing is____________ ( write ) an E-mail to his friend .

  19. He has_____________a headache . ( get )

  20. _________you study English at school ? Yes , I___________. ( do )

  21. __________your sister study English at school ? No , she__________ . ( do )

  22. I'm _________ better . ( feel )                    

  23. Why__________Tom absent today ? ( be )


  1.I take photos on Sunday. ( Mike)

  2.We grow beautiful flowers. (she)

  3.They like collecting stamps. (Ben)

  4.I listen to music carefully. (my aunt)

  5.You like making a model ship. (Helen)

  6.We clean the classroom every day. (he)

  7.They look after the pandas. (Mr Wang)

  8.I draw a tree and some flowers. (Nancy)

  9.We go to bed at eight. ( my sister)

  10.I read newspapers in the evening. (Mr Green)


  1. 第三人称单数: wash_________ match _______guess______ study______ finish_________ go________ snow______ carry_________

  2.写出下列动词的过去式:stop______ see________ drive ________let_______ carry______ keep_____ join______ find_______ think________ teach______ catch______

  3. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式: stay_______ begin______ forget_______ forget______ lie________  die _______ run_______ prefer______ give________  ring_______ dance______ hope_______

  II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

  1.I ________(write) to you as soon as I _______(get) to London.

  2. He doean't feel well and ____________(not eat) any food this morning.

  3. He ______ not _______(see) me come in, for he ___________(read) something with great interest.

  4. I _________(l;et) you have the book as soon as I _________(finish) it.

  5. While we ________(wait) for our teacher, a little boy ________(run) up to us.

  6. Don't make a niose. Grandpa __________(sleep).  7.It's seven now, Tom's family__________(watch) TV.

  8. It ________(take) me two hours to finish my homework last night.

  9. What ______ your mother _______(do) at eight yesterday evening? She _______(wash) clothes.

  10. _______ it ______ (rain) when school was over yesterday?

  11. What _______(do) _______ tomorrow? We ________ (play) football.

  12. There ________ (be) a football match on TV this evening.

  13. They said they ________ (visit) the Great Wall the next summer holiday.

  14. Who _______ (dance) the best in your class?        15. Will you come if he _____________ (not come)?

  16. The teacher told us the earth __________ (move) round the sun.  17She ________ (buy) a sweater yesterday.

  18. They _______ (have) a party in the garden if it ________ (not rain) tomorrow.

  19. I don't know if Mr.Wang ______ (go) to Shanghai tomorrow. If he _____ (go), I ______ (ask) him _______ (take) some books to my daughter, because she _______ (study) there.


  1.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _____ tomorrow.      A.don't rain B. doesn't rain C. won't rain

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