[导读] m walked away..*I have never heard him sang any song.Help这一个动词非常特别,它后面的不定词中的to可省略也可不省,以下的句子都是对的:I helped him wash his car.I helped him to wash his car.【练习四十三】以下的句子都有错,请改正:1.*He lets his son to drive his car.2.*He made me felt happy.3.*I made my friend to discuss his problem with me.4.*I had my son to get up early every morning.5.*I helped my father painted his house.6.*I had my brother to carry this heavy luggage for me.7.*I had Mary to marry me.8.*This song makes everyone to cry.9.*I helped Nancy worked hard.10.*He made us to believe him.11.*I
动词 例句
let My mother let me watch TV tonight.
make He makes his students respect teachers.
have He had his sons clean their rooms.
see I saw him run away.
hear I heard the birds sing.
watch I watched the kids play.
notice I noticed her cry.
*He made his son ran away from home.
*I saw him walked away..
*I have never heard him sang any song.
I helped him wash his car.
I helped him to wash his car.
1.*He lets his son to drive his car.
2.*He made me felt happy.
3.*I made my friend to discuss his problem with me.
4.*I had my son to get up early every morning.
5.*I helped my father painted his house.
6.*I had my brother to carry this heavy luggage for me.
7.*I had Mary to marry me.
8.*This song makes everyone to cry.
9.*I helped Nancy worked hard.
10.*He made us to believe him.
11.*I saw him to play.
12.*I heard Mary sang several songs.
13.*I watched her to swim.
14.*I saw the birds to fly away.
第十章 如何将动词改成形容词
* a smile face
* a run boy
* People live in Taiwan are rich.
以上的话为什么错呢?因为People是主词,are是动词,live in Taiwan形容people,可是live是一个动词,不能用作形容词的。怎么办呢?我们可以将一个动词用成一个形容词,我们的做法是利用分词(participle)和不定词(infinitive),而分词有两种:现在分词(present participle)和过去分词(past participle),我们在下一节,先谈现在分词的用法。
10§1 现在分词(present participle)作为形容词
任何一个动词,都有一个现在分词(present participle),现在分词的形式是在动词后面加上ing,如:
a crying baby
a smiling girl
an exciting story
running water
a running boy
a rising star
a person walking in the woods
the young man running very fast
people living in Taiwan
the person driving that red car
the singer singing the national anthem(国歌)
the boys playing in the fields
the young boy swimming in the pool
We have a crying baby here.
Seeing is believing.(believing是形容词,seeing是名词)
Loving is forgiving.
He always wears a smiling face.
Running water is important for mankind.
Look at the rising sun.
The person swimming in that cold river is quite strong.
The young man driving the red car is rich.
Those boys playing basketball are happy.
This movie is exciting.
This news is very upsetting.
This story is troubling.
The young boy swimming in the pool is my brother.
People living in the United States consume more energy than other people.
The person painting the house there is from Mexico.
She has a loving husband.
He is a rising star.
1. 这是一本有趣的故事。
2. 这门课很无聊(boring)。
3. 看那只在唱歌的鸟。
4. 那位微笑的人是我的哥哥。
5. 住在乡下的人通常很健康。
6. 我不认识那位骑脚车的男孩子。
7. 那位正在吃冰淇淋的小孩子是我的儿子。
8. 那位在问问题的学生非常聪明。
9. 你见过那位打篮球的男孩子吗?
10§2 过去分词(past participle)作为形容词
a broken window (破碎的窗)
a fallen angel (堕落的天使)
a fallen star (已经不走红的明星)
a depressed person (一个沮丧的人)
a much appreciated action (为人很欣赏的动作)
究竟过去分词和现在分词何不同呢?过去分词多半有动被和已经完成的意思。最好的例子是:开发中家叫做a developing country,已开发国家就叫做a developed country。