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[10-16 11:52:23]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三作文   阅读:9589

[导读] e, which is holding two hands, one hand some big, some small hand. The teacher is very strange, then, we can see this line: Thank you, teachers!Teachers think of all of a sudden, every day after school, she always used to the holding of the boy's small hands to cross the road, just such a careless move, let the little boy very grateful.感恩节快到了,老师让学生每人画一幅感恩节最想得到的礼物。大部分孩子画的都是火鸡大餐或者是南瓜灯之类的。只有一幅画与众不同,那是两只牵着的手,一只手大些,一只手小些。老师很奇怪,接着便看到了这样一行字:谢谢你,老师!老师突然想起,每天放学,她总是习惯性的牵着那个小男孩的小手过马路,仅仅是这样一个不经意的举动,却让小男孩无比的感激。小编后记:感恩节,勇敢的说出你的感恩和爱吧!祝怀有有感恩之心的你,每天都幸福!



  英:Thanksgiving is coming, teachers allow students to draw a person like the Thanksgiving gift. Most of the children's pictures or feast of turkey are pumpkin lights and the like. Only a different picture, which is holding two hands, one hand some big, some small hand. The teacher is very strange, then, we can see this line: Thank you, teachers!

  Teachers think of all of a sudden, every day after school, she always used to the holding of the boy's small hands to cross the road, just such a careless move, let the little boy very grateful.




标签:初三作文九年级作文范文,初三语文复习计划初中学习 - 初三学习 - 初三语文 - 初三作文