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[10-16 11:55:20]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:9513

[导读] op) talking and got ready for the class. 3. Look!It _________ (rain) outside. Neither of us _________ (want) to go boating now. 4. Jim _________ (not finish) reading the book yet. But he _________ (return) it the day after tomorrow. 5. The trees must _________ (plant) and the sand can _________ (stop) from moving toward to the rich farmland. 6. Some trees _________ (cut) down in America now. 7. When your work _________ (do) ,you can _________ (go) and play. 8. He ________(go) to college after he ________(finish) school next ye









    1. The girl always _________ (forget) her things everywhere.

    2. The bell _________ (ring) . The students _________ (stop) talking and got ready for the class.

    3. Look!It _________ (rain) outside. Neither of us _________ (want) to go boating now.

    4. Jim _________ (not finish) reading the book yet. But he _________ (return) it the day after tomorrow.

    5. The trees must _________ (plant) and the sand can _________ (stop) from moving toward to the rich farmland.

    6. Some trees _________ (cut) down in America now.

    7. When your work _________ (do) ,you can _________ (go) and play.

    8. He ________(go) to college after he ________(finish) school next year.

    9. I have tried three times. Let me ________(try) a fourth time.

    10. He was made ________(work) for more than nine hours a day.


    1. 句子主语girl是单数,与谓语动词forget之间为主动关系,always一词表示动作是经常性的行为,句中没有表过去的时间状语,须用谓语动词的主动语态、一般现在时,故正确答案是:forgets.

    2. 两句主语bell与students均与其谓语ring和stop为主动关系,讲述故事或发生过的事实,一般用过去时。谓语动词须用主动语态、一般过去时。故正确答案是:rang;stopped.

    3. 主语与谓语动词为主动关系,it是第三人称单数、neither是不定代词作主语,其谓语动词须用单数,“Look!”告诉我们以后的行为或事件在说话时正在进行,须用谓语动词的主动语态、现在进行时。而want,wish,hope等词一般不用于进行时,故正确答案是:is raining;wants.

    4. 显而易见,两句都要用主动语态,根据上下文语境与yet一词可知,行为“read”至今未结束,故须用谓语动词的主动语态、现在完成时。由时间状语the day after tomorrow可知用谓语动词return的一般将来时。故正确答案是:hasn‘t finished;will return.

    5. 主语trees与sand分别与其谓语动词plant与stop之间构成被动关系,应用谓语动词的被动语态,因谓语中有must与can,所以可不考虑动词的时态。故正确答案是:be planted;be stopped.

    6. 主语trees与谓语cut之间为被动关系,trees是复数形式,now一词表示事情、行为当前正在发生,应用谓语动词的被动语态、现在进行时。故正确答案是:are being cut.

    7. 该句为复合句,在时间状语从句中,主语work是不可数名词,与谓语动词do之间为被动关系,须用谓语动词do的被动语态;主句表示允许,因有情态动词can,谓语动词go须用原形。在复合句中,如果主句谓语动词用将来时或指未来时,其时间或条件状语从句中的谓语动词用一般现在时表将来。故正确答案是:is done;go.

    8. 该句为复合句,主、从句主语he与其谓语动词为主动关系,故须用主动语态。时态选择同前。故正确答案是:will go;finishes.

    9. let,make,have等使役动词作谓语,在其主动语态中,其后的不定式须省略to.故正确答案是:try

    10. let,make,have等使役动词作谓语,在其被动语态中,其后的不定式不能省略to.故正确答案是:to work.

标签:初二英语练习题八年级英语练习题,初二英语学习方法初中学习 - 初二学习 - 初二英语 - 初二英语练习题