[导读] e. After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends.When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.翻译:我经常去看望我的爷爷奶奶在寒假期间。他们都是七十岁了,住在乡下。我可以在那里做很多有趣的事情。我习惯早上早起在农村和呼吸新鲜的空气。下雪后,我和我的朋友喜欢滑冰和滑雪。夜幕降临时,我习惯坐在火炉边,听奶奶讲动听的故事。我告诉她一些新的事情发生。当我不得不回去时,我总是不愿意去。我真的感到快乐生活在这个国家。以上“寒假英语作文450字:我的寒假生活”的全部内容是由www.i3xuexi.com中考网整理的,更多的关于寒假英语作文请查看www.i3xuexi.
I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside. After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends.
When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.