An unforgettable April Fool's Day_关于愚人节话题的大学英语作文
[04-24 20:34:34] 来源: 大学英语作文 阅读:9919次
[导读] t day we all showed up to class and sang to Mrs. Butler "April Fools!" She laughed and smiled and gave us a round of applause. "That was the best April Fools joke that has ever been pulled on me!" she said. "Any joke that gives me a day off of work is fine by me."I was proud of myself for getting the courage to suggest the prank, and I was even more proud that people liked it- including my teacher. It was a moment in my childhood that I'll never forget, and I'm sure the school never has either.上一页 [1] [2]
An unforgettable April Fool's Day_关于愚人节话题的大学英语作文,
The next day we all showed up to class and sang to Mrs. Butler "April Fools!" She laughed and smiled and gave us a round of applause. "That was the best April Fools joke that has ever been pulled on me!" she said. "Any joke that gives me a day off of work is fine by me."
I was proud of myself for getting the courage to suggest the prank, and I was even more proud that people liked it- including my teacher. It was a moment in my childhood that I'll never forget, and I'm sure the school never has either.
The next day we all showed up to class and sang to Mrs. Butler "April Fools!" She laughed and smiled and gave us a round of applause. "That was the best April Fools joke that has ever been pulled on me!" she said. "Any joke that gives me a day off of work is fine by me."
I was proud of myself for getting the courage to suggest the prank, and I was even more proud that people liked it- including my teacher. It was a moment in my childhood that I'll never forget, and I'm sure the school never has either.
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