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[10-16 11:36:10]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  五年级英语学习辅导   阅读:9126

[导读] 想要来帮忙。他拖着条毯子到外面还学着抖动毯子(弹掉灰尘)。但是他太用力了。3. Mummy and Daddy are moving the furnitureoutside. When Clifford sees the couch, his eyes open wide.爸爸妈妈把家具搬到外面来了。当Clifford看到躺椅的时候,眼镜都亮了呢。4. When he was a little puppy, he always slept on it. Crunch! He doesn't fit on it anymore.记得当他还很小的时候,总是睡在躺椅上。(于是,Clifford飞快爬上躺椅)咯吱一声!Clifford现在已经不适合再躺在上面拉。5. Clifford cleans the windows all by himself. First he washes them. Then he driesthem. But the windows are still dirty. So we wash the windows again.Clifford要自己擦窗户。首先他冲洗了窗户,然后把它们抹干。但是窗户依然很脏,所以我们还是得自己冲洗擦一次。6. Daddy


  Hi, I'm Emily. 我们家的春季大扫除开始了!爸爸妈妈忙着搬家具,我忙着晒地毯。Clifford也来帮忙,不过他好像越帮越忙呢。后来,Clifford决定为自己的房子来个大扫除。他能打扫干净吗?快看故事吧!本文适合小学五年级学生阅读。

  1. At our house, it's time for spring cleaning again. My first job is to hangsome rugsoutside in the air.


  2. Clifford wants to help. He takes a rug outsideand shakesit. He shakes it a little too hard.


  3. Mummy and Daddy are moving the furnitureoutside. When Clifford sees the couch, his eyes open wide.


  4. When he was a little puppy, he always slept on it. Crunch! He doesn't fit on it anymore.


  5. Clifford cleans the windows all by himself. First he washes them. Then he driesthem. But the windows are still dirty. So we wash the windows again.


  6. Daddy has to clean the yard. Clifford is glad to help him!


  7. Clifford's house needs some spring cleaning too. He sweepsout his old bonesand rubbertoys.


  8. Now both our houses are neatand clean. Clifford and I are both very happy.



  下面哪些事情是 Clifford 做的呢?

  A. Hang the rugs.

  B. Shake the rugs.

  C. Take the couch outside.

  D. Buy a new couch.

  E. Blow the leaves.

  F. Sweep out rubber toys.

  G. Make the windows very clean.

  正确答案:B E F


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