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[10-16 12:09:40]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  合同范本   阅读:90

[导读] Contract.12. Currencies of Tender and Payment 12.1 The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the tender entirely in RMB. A tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for inputs to the Works supplied from outside China (referred to as "the foreign currency requirements") shall indicate in Schedule I of "Foreign Currency Requirements" the percentage of the Tender Price (excluding Provisional Sums) needed by him for the payment of such foreign currency requirements either (i) entirely in the currency of th

INVITATION TO TENDER,http://www.i3xuexi.com

11.4 The rates and amounts entered by the tenderer shall be subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract. The tenderer shall complete Schedule III-Price Adjustment Provisions and shall submit with his tender such other supporting information as is required under Clause 70 of the Conditions of Contract.

12. Currencies of Tender and Payment

12.1 The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the tender entirely in RMB. A tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for inputs to the Works supplied from outside China (referred to as "the foreign currency requirements") shall indicate in Schedule I of "Foreign Currency Requirements" the percentage of the Tender Price (excluding Provisional Sums) needed by him for the payment of such foreign currency requirements either (i) entirely in the currency of the tenderer's home country or, at the tenderer's option, (ii) entirely in US dollars, always provided that a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in a currency or currencies other than those stated in (i) and (ii) above for a portion of the foreign currency requirements, and wishing to be paid accordingly, shall so indicate the percentage portion in his tender. The percentage portion indicated shall remain fixed for the duration of the Contract. The amounts in various currencies calculated on the basis of the percentages indicated in the Tender and by use of the exchange rates indicated in clause 12.2 hereinafter, shall be used for the purpose of conversion and comparison of tenders pursuant to Clause 7.

12.2 The rates of exchange to be used by the tenderer for currency conversion shall be the governing selling rates published by the Bank of China on the date ______ day prior to the latest date for the submission of tenders. If exchange rages are not so published for certain currencies, the tenderer shall state the rates used and the source. For the purpose of payments, the exchange rates used in tender preparation shall apply for the duration of the Contract.

12.3 The total amount of foreign and local currencies expected to be required by tenderers shall be substantiated in Schedules I and I (A)-Foreign Currency and Local Currency Requirements, and the annex thereto, Tenderers shall describe the manner in which such foreign and local currencies are expected to be used, relating specifically, but not limited to:
Foreign Currency
(a) Expatriate staff directly employed on the Works:
(b) Social charges, insurance premiums and medical care related to such staff, and travel expenses between China and the country of origin;
(c) A list of the imported materials, both temporary and permanent, required for the Works;
(d) Depreciation and usage of plant and equipment, including spare parts, required for the Works;
(e) Insurance and freight charges for imported materials, plant and equipment, including spare parts; and
(f) Overhead expenses, fees and financial charges incurred outside China.
Local Currency
(g) Local labour;
(h) Local materials;
(i) Other services, and;
(j) Overhead expenses, fees and financial charges within China.

12.4 Tenderers may be required by the Employer to clarify their foreign currency requirements, and to provide satisfactory proof that the amounts included in the unit rates and in Schedule I are reasonable and responsive to clause 12.1 hereof.

12.5 The tender shall complete Schedule II - Estimated Contract Payments and shall substantiate the tabulation of this Schedule by attaching a table indicating anticipated major quantities of work performed over the duration of the Works.

13. Tender Validity

13.1 The tender shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of six calendar months from the specified date of tender closing.

13.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original tender validity period, the Employer or his agent ____________ may request the tenderers for a specified extension to the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by fax or e-mail. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his tender security. A tenderer agreeing to the extension will not be required nor permitted to alter his tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his tender security correspondingly. The provisions of Clause 14 hereof regarding discharge and forfeiture of tender security shall continue to apply during the extended period.

14. Tender Security

14.1 The tenderer shall furnish, as part of his tender, a tender security in RMB in an amount of not less than _____% of the Tender Sum.

14.2 The tender security shall, at the tenderer's option, be in the form of a certified cheque, a bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit or a guarantee from either:

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