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[10-16 11:51:38]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  初三英语语法   阅读:9314

[导读] universe 宇宙 the atmosphere大气层The sun rises in the east.The earth goes round the sun.10).在世纪,年代名词前用冠词。in the 1980s 或 in the 1980’s 20世纪80年代in the nineteenth century 二十世纪11).在江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾运河前用the。the Changjang River 长江the West Lake 西湖 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋12).在表示方位的词前,如:The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下Jiangxi lies in the south of China. 江西位于中国的南方。13)在乐器名称前常用定冠词,如:He often plays the piano at five in the afternoon. 他常在下午五点弹钢琴。Can you play the violin? 你会拉小提琴吗?用于表示计量的名词前,如by the....“以...计算”,如:by


  The Greens came to China two years ago .

  7). 用在由普通名词构成的表示场所的专有名词前。

  the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Place颐和园

  the United States 美国 the October Revolution 十月革命

  the Chinese People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军

  the Long March 长征


  The first thing I want to say is to listen carefully in class.

  He is the tallest one in our class.


  the globe太阳系 the universe 宇宙 the atmosphere大气层

  The sun rises in the east.

  The earth goes round the sun.


  in the 1980s 或 in the 1980’s 20世纪80年代

  in the nineteenth century 二十世纪


  the Changjang River 长江

  the West Lake 西湖 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋


  The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下

  Jiangxi lies in the south of China. 江西位于中国的南方。


  He often plays the piano at five in the afternoon. 他常在下午五点弹钢琴。

  Can you play the violin? 你会拉小提琴吗?

  用于表示计量的名词前,如by the....“以...计算”,如:

  by the dozen按打计算 by the hour按小时计算

  区别:by weight按重量计算 by dozens按打计算

  by volume按体积计算 by hundreds数以百计,很多


  the New York Times纽约时报 the Middle Ages中世纪


  in the morning 在早上 the day after tomorrow 后天 the next day 第二天

  by the way 顺便

  【对比】有the 和没有the 意义不同的词组:

  at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌子旁 at school 上学 at the school 在学校

  go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 朝床边走去

  in hospital/prison 住院(坐牢) in the hospital/prison在医院/在监狱

  in future 今后 in the future将来 take place发生 take the place取代

  in office执政 in the office 在办公室

  go to church/college/hospital/prison/school做礼拜、上大学、住院坐牢、上学

  go to the church//college/hospital/prison/school 到教堂去、到大学去、到医院去、到监狱去、到学校去





  The desk is made of wood. What is work? Work is struggle


  England, China Mary Lilei Mr.Green

  3) 在星期、月份,季节,节日等名词前,如:

  We have four seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter一年有四季:春夏秋冬

  We often go to sea a film on Sunday. 我们经常周日去看电影。

  Tomorrow is National Day. 明天是国庆节。

  4)名词前有物主代词,指示代词,不定代词,名词所有格修饰时(this, my,that, those, these, her),如:

  this morning my pen your watch whose bike

  5) 在球类运动、一日三餐、学科和语言的名词前,如:

  have breakfast play chess play basketball

  (注意:在乐器前必须加定冠词 如弹钢琴play the piano,play the violin)


  Mr. Smith, head of the group, will plan for the whole trip.


  Doctor, I am not feeling myself today.大夫,我今天感觉不太舒服。


  Man can save the earth, man can destroy the earth.


  Man can’t live without air and water.没有空气和水,人类不能生存。


  He is still in hospital.他任在住院。


  day by day天天 little by little渐渐地 step by step 逐渐地

  all day and all night 整日整夜 from time o time时不时地 hand in hand 手拉手

  10)as/though引导的让步状语从句中,如果前置的是名词,名词前不加冠词。如:Child as/though she is, she plays the violin perfectly.


  11)有些一人兼多个身份的情况,只在第一个名词前加冠词,其他几个不再加冠词。如:A teacher and writer will come to visit our school next Monday.


  12)系动词turn后如有名词,通常不加冠词,但名词前有形容词修饰时要加冠词。如:I hoped to become a pianist, but I turned teacher.



  Here is good news for you!报告你一个好消息。

  What good advice you gave me!你提的建议多好啊!


  by bus 乘坐公共汽车 after school 放学后 in bed 卧床

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